
My Wife's Male Colleagues are Giving Me Sleepless Nights - Man Cries Out Bitterly

A really jealous man who has serious worries and insecurity issues with the nature of his wife's job has cried out in fear.

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The man shared his story on Eve, Woman's World where he told eager readers about his worries.
According to him, his wife's job takes her way too often, a situation which leaves him worrying his head off about her.
Below is he put his story:
My wife works with a non-governmental organization and the nature of her work requires extensive travel to various parts of the country.
Most times she leaves Monday morning only to return on Thursday or Friday.
Most of her colleagues are men and whenever I talk to her in the evenings I hear people drinking and partying around her. I love and trust her but every time she leaves I cannot help but worry about what she is doing out there.
Principally, it is not her I don’t trust but the people she travels with. I am often so jealous of any other man taking advantage of her in those remote places and especially under the influence of alcohol. I have even contemplated asking her to quit but she makes a lot more money.
How can I deal with these fears?
I also feel that she is not there for our children as much as a mother should be. Please advice

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