Ladies, Be Wise! These are 10 Reasons Why You Should Travel With a Guy Before You Marry Him
to travel with your man before you finally get tied to him for the rest
of your life is very important for these reasons.
If you get the opportunity to travel with your guy, before you get
married, then jump at that chance, because it’s the perfect way to
really find out what he is like. You get to see what he’s like under
pressure, how he deals with unfamiliar situations and you find out what
it’s like living with him 24 hours a day. So, book that vacation now,
before you tie the knot, because here are ten good reasons why you
1. Travelling can bring out the best and the worst in people
People just let themselves go more on vacation and that can
highlight both the good and the bad in people. You’ll be able to see him
with his guard down and that might either confirm your worst fears or
cement your love for him.
3. You’ll be able to see how he treats other people
Does he snap his fingers at the waiters and complain all the time
or is he more tolerant and patient? Some people behave appallingly on
vacation, because they think that no one will see them. It’s a good way
to get a picture of his true personality.
4. You will see how he copes with being out of his comfort zone
When you travel away from home, you will be in unfamiliar
surroundings and without your usual support network. This will show how
well he copes with awkward situations and also how well you work
together as a team.
5. You’ll find out more about his habits
When you share the close proximity of a hotel room with someone you
will certainly get to know them better. You’ll also get to see all his
personal habits and some of them might come as a bit of a surprise!
6. You will see how he reacts under pressure
Planes get delayed, hotel rooms aren’t always up to scratch and you
will probably forget to pack some things, so now’s the time you really
see how he reacts, when things go a wrong. It will be far better to find
out now that he has a short fuse than finding out after the wedding
7. You will figure out how generous he really is
A vacation is also a good time to find out how generous he is. You
can watch to see how generously he tips and how hard he haggles down the
price with street vendors. You might also be able to gauge his reaction
to those less well off than him, such as street beggars.
8. You’ll find out how adventurous he is
You’ll also find out how willing he is to try out new things. Will
he try the local cuisine and learn a bit of the language? Or will he
head straight for the nearest McDonalds and complain that the locals
don’t understand him?
9. You’ll learn more about his likes and dislikes
With no work to occupy him, you’ll really be able to learn what he
likes to do with his free time. Does he like action packed adventure, or
is he more happy snoozing on the beach? You’ll also find out how good
he is at compromising, when you want to do different things from him.
10. You’ll find out if he will drive you mad!
A two week vacation is far from a lifetime, but it does provide
with an excellent opportunity to decide if you really can live with this
guy. So, if you find that, when you get home, you’re glad it’s all
over, you are going to have a lot of serious soul searching to do!
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