
4 Ways to Look More Attractive In Selfies

Selfies. We all take them, but there are some practical tips you can use to step up your game and make sure you put your best face forward.
1. Location,
location, location First of all, make sure your background is selfie-worthy. There’s nothing weirder than seeing a good selfie and then realizing it was taken in a nasty public restroom. Choose your location wisely. That doesn’t mean you have to be on top of a skyscraper in every picture, but make sure the background doesn’t distract from the main subject of the photo. If a picture is worth a thousand words you can bet that a couple hundred can be attributed to your surroundings.
2. Lighting
The subject of your selfie (your self) should be the brightest part of the photo. Natural lighting is less harsh than artificial lighting (unless you’re an expert with professional lighting). Whichever way you go, the most light should rest on whichever side of your face shows the most.
3. Angle
Take your selfies with the camera angled slightly downwards towards your face. In other words, raise the camera above your eyeline so you have to look upwards a bit for the picture. This technique is more flattering for your skin. You avoid creating double chins and accidentally taking a picture of the inside of your nose.
4. Filters
Finally, feel free to peruse available filters. Instagram is known for their filters but you can find them on almost any photo editing app. Play around with them and see which one gives your selfie the desired effect.
Take the time to mess around with these rules

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