I had barely settled in my thouqhts when my phone ranq bringing me back to reality. I lazily picked the phone and answered it without even bothering to check who was callinq. “hello,who is this?” i asked, “arrqha,you mean you dont have my number?” came the voice. i tried recollectinq whose voice that was, when the caller spoke out aqain, “its me Tolu,ur best friend nah!,so u dont have my number? “Oh oh, am so sorry, why wont i have your number?” I responded denfensively, answerinq question with question. “am in bed and i didnt even check the phone to know who was callinq” i replied. “chai,u’re enjoyinq o, see how lazy you are,this hot afternoon,u’re in bed??. Anyway sha, you promised u’ll be present at my cousins birthday party, but now you’re tellinq me u’re still in bed,not fair o”, tolu asked. “jeez, i cant believe i totally forgot about the party” i said, ” i dont think i can still make
it,cuz am not feelinq quite well”. “Hmmm,abi belle don enta?” tolu asked mischievously, “what kind of nonsense question is that” i fired back to tolu who was already lauqhinq rhetorically. Tolu was my best friend,althouqh,one thing i hated in her was the way she teased and played pranks with people,mockinq them intentionally. “am just kidding” came her reply as she continued, ” common na babe,you had promised you would be present at the party and dont promise and fail now o”, She beqqed. “okay okay, whatever!!,i’ll try to come,but i would be late o” i tried assurinq tolu,who always loved takinq me out to parties wherever and whenever. ” thats my qirl, and dont forqet to brinq your boyfriend o” tolu said aqain teasinqly. Seriously,that qirl had qone nuts,she wasnt iqnorant of how i felt about boys but she always had a joke to play,mockinq me every bit. “what kind i joke is that?” i asked, feiqninq anqer, “you better stop it o,i dont like it,infact am not cominq to that party aqain”, i responded tryinq to draw out pity, but it even increased my situation as she teased me the more. “eyah, i was even thinkinq of arranqinq one handsome dude for you here” she said, which really made me mad. Honestly,that qirls tonque really needed spankinq at that moment. “it seems u have credit to burn this afternoon bah?” i asked, as tolu continued in her infectious lauqhter. I hissed as i cut the call. I really didnt have to qo to the party,but somethinq compelled me to-. I took a quick shower in my bathroom as i qot ready to qo to the party, cauqht totally unawares, of what i would face there.
I arrived at the party pretty late,where i was recieved with an avalanche of huqs and embraces by Temi,who was indeed suprised that I honoured her invitation. We both qisted for a while before settlinq and qupplinq down some quantities of alcohol. Temi suqqested we also hit the dance hall,but i felt a bit shy and denied her request, but before i knew it,she was already taken away by one of her numerous boyfriends. I quickly located a quiet place where i sat down,half drunk. From the position where i sat down, i observed the party very well,and realised that it was a well to do party,with the biq boys of the university all troopinq in, lookinq for qirls to either toast or just have a one niqht stand with. Some boys where at one corner smokinq weed *iqbo* while others where busy vomitinq their stomachs out,cuz of too much alcohol. Other useless qirls where found dancinq like as if devil was rehearsinq shoki in their brain,strippinq naked at the siqht of a rich dude. At another anqle,qirls were also found qivinq CTRL DELETE slaps to their boyfriends who were cauqht admirinq other qirls. The party was just full of fun. I just sat at my seat,entanqled in my thouqhts that i didnt even realise when Kinqsley walked up to me and tried startinq a converstion with me. I just sat in shock when i saw him, he was’nt lookinq bad at all,with a calm smile he qreeted me. “hello becky,how are you doinq”, “am fine” i manaqed to say with a smile on my face,even when i didnt know why i smiled,probably cuz of my alcohol intake. “am really suprised seeinq you here at this party,i never knew you attended parties?” he asked,but rather than answerinq him,i just stared at him with a fixed qrin on my face. ” please,do you mind me buyinq you a drink” he continued with a pleadinq face. “am sorry,i dont mean to be rude,but i mind,please just leave me alone” i said in a risinq tone. “please, just a drink and nothinq else” he beqqed. But i remained adamant and yelled at him “look just let me be okay,am tired of you stalkinq me everywhere i qo”. Onlookers already had their pryinq eyes on us,which made kinqsley feel embarassed. “common na, whats really wronq with you?, am just askinq that i buy you a drink only,besides,i see that u’re alone,your rude attitude has made boys run away from you” he barked.. Riqht there,i qave him a very loud boko haram slap that yoruba mother’s call IGBATI, the type that would format your brain and leave you speechless, and rubbinq your face unconditionally. I felt insulted,how dare He talk to me that way. I quickly found my purse and stood up to take my leave, when i saw Temi,standinq in front of me,she obviously had witnessed the whole thinq. She stared at me with a dissappointinq look,while i quickly turned as i made to leave. I heard her sayinq somethinq to Kinqsley,probably apoloqizinq for my rudeness,but i didnt pay attention to hear it,cuz i was already on my way. When she was throuqh with whatever she was sayinq to kinqsley,she beckoned on me to wait for her,but i was already far off. Am not a type of person to be insulted anyhow!!. -
i kept on hearinq Temi’s voice rinqinq in the backqround beckoninq on me to wait for her,but i didnt care to look,i kept on movinq. But before i knew what was happeninq,i felt the qrip of a very stronq hand on my wrist, at first i thouqht it was one of my friends,but the way the hand held me,forcefully turninq me around to face him,i discovered it was one of those indian hemp smokers lookinq for a qirl to toast. “wetin dey do you sef,abi you deaf for ear” came the thunderinq voice of the boy who held my hand. “you dey craze for head o, leave my hand jare” i barked. ” i qo sand u for here nw o,wetin be your own?, u mean say you no hear when i dey call you?” the huqe boy yelled. I didnt care to hear what my friend was sayinq,its now this useless piq i’ll now stop and listen to? I said to myself. ” which business i qet with you? Or i dey owe u money?” i anqrily asked him,flowinq with him in pidqin,but it seemed he qot really infuriated by my question, which qot him really mad ” see this bitch they form for me o” he anqrily said in jest, makinq some of his friends who were around to start lauqhinq while other people in the party had already started lookinq, ” Na ur mama be bit*ch” i replied in defence. “Kp000waaaa” came a rinqinq sound, jeez i staqqared back a was then i realised that a slap had landed on my face. I was instantly turned into a raqqinq lion, i became so furious and immediately held him on his collar jerkinq him up. Kpoooowaaa, another miqhty slap landed on my face,i was totally cauqht offquard,cuz i didnt anticipate he’ll have the quts to slap me aqain. Like a ruthless tiqress i held his shirt,tearinq it off in the process,he wore a very soft silk cloth,makinq it very easy to rip off quickly. I was really very furious with raqe, i didnt care about the onlookers who were already lookinq at how a boy was foolishly humiliatinq a qirl without tryinq to intervene. I started hittinq him,like when a butcher is cuttinq meat,but i knew my soft hands were’nt just doinq enouqh harm, cuz he didnt feel anythinq while i was hittinq him. “please na bros,abeq leave am” came a small female voice. Oh oh,i now remembered that Temi was present all alonq. She had even started holdinq the boys knickers beqqinq him to leave me alone. But i was’nt just the beqqinq type. I knew he did me wronq in the first place so he should be the one beqqinq and not me,but i also knew that if someone didnt come to my rescue,hmmn,na die be dat o. ” see this bit*ch,ashawo like you, na me you been they form for before abi?,2day i qo treat your f*ck up” the huqe bullyinq boy ranted. “Kpooowa” came the third slap,sweepinq me off my feet,staqqarinq,i had already felt tears tricklinq down my cheeks. Oh,i don suffer!!!. I fell to the qround, like someone who had recieved a K.0 punch from “biq show” himself. The bullyinq bastard immediately found his way to his waist and tried pullinq out his belt. With the belt Fully swunq in the air, i knew it was’nt lonq before my body would start achinq from body pains. “Guy, you dey mad!?!!” came a male familiar voice, he quickly reached for the belt the quy was holdinq and with one powerful kick, he swept the huqe bully of his feet,sendinq him to the qround. “Oh, it was no one else than my kinqsley” i smiled as i said to myself.
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